Saturday, November 16, 2019


The first thing Anita spotted after catching sight of Martin and Kevin was the door that they already had cracked open, looking out into the shop’s yard out back.  Martin knelt beside Kevin. It took her a moment to figure out what was going on. Kevin sat on a crate while Martin was beside him, his hands busy wrapping a make-do bandage of a towel around Kevin’s leg, where he’d been shot. At first it was a bit of a relief to know that the man hadn’t been shot in the chest, but there was a big puddle of red, pooling around the crate. So much that she began to wonder how in the world he was still alive. The blood broke Anita from her daze.

“We have to go,” she said, her voice urgent. “I think he’s cutting open the door-“she stopped herself when Martin stood up, his hands red from wrapping Kevin’s leg.

“He was shot near the femoral artery in the thigh. If I hadn’t stopped it, he would have bled to death before we left this place,” Martin explained, moving to lift Kevin to a stand. The man was ghostly pale and blood darkened both legs of his jeans. He was able to support himself enough to move a bit quicker. “Even with this, we’ve only bought ourselves only a little time.”

The silence in the shop was broken. On the other side of the building, there was the sound of the front door being busted open. The three of them looked to each other and without a word, began to funnel out back. All of their thoughts were the same: they needed to escape. There were no other options.

The yard was filled with a mixture of broken down cars and some that looked like they were in the process of being repaired. Martin figured that their position could have been much worse. At least at Kevin’s garage, assuming any of them were working, they’d have a solid getaway vehicle and could ditch their pursuer without much of a problem, perhaps.

“Do any of them work?” Martin asked. He was already forcing Kevin to walk with him, as they had no time to waste conversing over the status of the vehicles. Whether or not they were going to be of use, Martin intended to escape. And unless they kept moving, the men behind them would catch up. Martin wasn’t sure he could protect them both with one already injured.

On second thought, there was something about the one pursuing them that had Martin on edge. The way he seemed so relaxed coming from his vehicle after shooting Kevin, and how he moved through the building, he wasn’t in a hurry.  Seemed strange to Martin. He had the feeling that the only reason they hadn’t been caught already was that their pursuer was playing with them; he didn’t intend to apprehend them, but kill them.

“The blue car two rows down is one which works. It's not in t-the best shape, but it'll get us out of here," Kevin stuttered, his pain evident in his voice. "The keys will be in the glove box." Martin didn't have time to offer Kevin any sympathy, but he was still awed with the strength that remained in him. If Martin were in his position, he’d likely be unconscious or dead.

(To Be Continued Tomorrow…..)
[The complete Book ‘MAN FROM TOMORROW’ can be downloaded at ]

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