Friday, November 22, 2019


Martin said nothing at first. He was baffled, especially because the man didn’t seem to acknowledge how unusual a trait that was. Was it magic, or something more than that? Martin figured that, with more time, he would find out. Martin latched on to the thought that this might be the reason so many people were behind Kevin. He made a mental note of the fact for later contemplation. Martin even surprised himself by believing that Kevin was being genuine- it just didn’t seem like a lie.

"You're telling the truth, aren't you?" he mused. For a moment he felt bad for the man, for having to doubt him over something like that, but then Martin remembered who he was. Kevin was supposed to be a terrorist named Joseph Cooper, someone he was charged with capturing and handing over to the FBI, dead or alive. But after talking to the man, saving his life, and learning more about the strange quirks that revolved around him, he again began to feel that something was wrong. Was Kevin really a terrorist? Had someone, somewhere made a mistake? Martin thought that it was unlikely, even though he didn't look or feel the part; there were too many people after this single man. 

"I have no reason to lie,” Kevin said, walking around the car toward Martin, where he lifted his shorts just past the scab for Martin to see.
“No one who hasn't seen me heal that fast first hand has believed me.”
Martin had no choice but to believe. He had worked on the wound the previous night, had left it a bloodied, torn mess, and here it was in front of him- already scabbing as though two weeks of healing had passed.
"That’s… fascinating.” Martin paused. “You're still sure you feel good though?"

Kevin hesitated. "Well... From last night I’m fine, but in general, I guess not. For the last few weeks my chest has felt awful; stuffy and a stiff feeling and it’s been getting worse by the day," he shrugged. "Regardless, it's manageable, but in the meantime, we should get out of here. You know who shot me? They'll be back."
"Anita and I haven’t been dealing with them for long, but yes, we have reason to believe they’ll be back, but we're out of gas." Martin muttered."

"Oh. That's not a problem," Kevin smiled and returned to the trunk of the car, which he opened with force. He spent several moments shuffling through the contents in the back before he pulled something out and closed the trunk.
Martin didn't recognize the item at first, but when Kevin lifted it for him to see with a bright smile on his face, he figured what the man was about to do. Martin whirled around, checking out the road. 

(To Be Continued Tomorrow…..)

[The complete Book ‘MAN FROM TOMORROW’ can be downloaded at]

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