Monday, December 9, 2019


"How will that help him?" asked Martin.

"Excreting waste materials from a body in the form of uric acid requires far less water than excreting urea in the form of urine. Kevin probably needs to drink less than one percent water than an average man. He hardly urinates. That means he can go for days on end without consuming any water"

This fact astonished Martin.

"What about his DNA professor?"

"yup, very interesting indeed. Preliminary DNA tests show that the basis of his genes is completely human. But his DNA differs from normal human DNA by two percent. And that small difference is what makes him so different."

"Selective Breeding?" Martin queried.

"Selective breeding will take centuries to provide genes like these. Rather than a case of selective breeding; I think it can be a case of genetic engineering".

Martin thought back to the night he found Kevin. That nightmare, where strange creatures populated his dreams- "Is there another possibility?"

"What possibility?" asked the professor with peaking enthusiasm.

Martin ventured- "What if Kevin here is an alien life form?" The professor looked at Martin. They both then looked at Kevin.

"Can he be an alien organism from a different planet professor?"

"That depends on how you define the term Alien. Even then, highly unlikely, though he may be an alien who will land on a different planet perhaps."

"Professor, do you think Kevin may be a fluke of a freakish mutation like we read in the newspapers?"

"Again, highly unlikely Martin. A mutation is random by definition. Kevin can be classified as a sub-species of the human genetic stock. In fact, a totally different species maybe. If there were more of Kevin's kind in the general population, we scientists would have known about it. For Kevin to be a result of mutation it would take another million years at least. On the contrary Kevin seems ..."

"Created?" Martin finished the sentence. Both professor Antonio and Martin looked at Kevin- still lying unconscious, but his burn wounds showing definite signs of quick healing.

An eerie Silence descended on the lab. Martin felt the fact about Kevin to be as fascinating as it was astounding. As astonishing as it was real, Kevin was, in Professor Antonio's words a million years more advanced than them. A million years ahead on the long and painful path of evolution. On a geological timescale, here was a human being, containing within himself the genes of tomorrow. At that moment Martin had a chilling realization that he was looking at the Man from Tomorrow.

(To Be Continued Tomorrow...)

[The complete Book ‘MAN FROM TOMORROW’ can be downloaded at]

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