Martin was quick to refute what Anita said. "Not in the literal sense Anita. Kevin and his kind may not go about the streets killing people. But over a period of time, because of the improved nature of their physical bodies- and also intelligence- they will be fitter than the normal humans- US."
Anita was beginning to understand what Martin driving at.Martin continued "Over a period of a few generations, their numbers may grow at a rapid pace. They will consume more of our resources, or change the environment as per their suitability. They can, if possible, interbreed with normal humans and change the nature of humanity itself. They may even become a political force of their own; remember they are more intelligent than us. And with the changing climate, thanks to Global Warming, they will be better able to adapt to the New Natural Order. And then..." Martin left the sentence hanging.
"And then what Martin?" Anita asked with trepidation in her voice.
"And then, there may be an inter-species war where Normal humans and Superhumans of Kevin's type may face off against each other. No prizes for guessing the winners"
Anita furrowed her eyebrows giving a you-must-be-kidding look- "War? Kevin looked so nice. He doesn't appear as the killing type- not unless he is provoked or forced to."
Martin replied-"For all we know, Kevin may be a special case, an exception in his species. We have not seen the others. Hell, we don't even know if there are others of his kind, or if they exist, where are they?! Have you heard of the Neanderthals, Anita?"
"Yes I have. I believe they were primitive human beings of the Stone Age or something, right?"
"Yes and no. They were primitive no doubt, but not in the literal sense, Here let me explain" Martin was becoming animated and was moving his arms energetically.
Interesting, thought Anita. Maybe it was Professor Antonio's habit rubbing onto Martin. She found that correlation amusing. She let out a half-concealed smile-"Go on"
Martin was oblivious to Anita's Touch-and-go smile, immersed as he was in his lecture- "The Neanderthals were a species of Humans from Neandertal in Germany, where their remains were discovered. They are an extinct species of humans. They are closely related to us modern humans differing in DNA by just about zero-point one percent. Modern Humans were supposedly more advanced and intelligent than the Neanderthals.
It is said that though Neanderthals were a distinct species, they became extinct because of interaction with our advanced species. They were replaced by modern humans shifting into their environment between 50,000 and 40,000 years ago. Some scientists have even suggested a scenario of aggressive clashes between Neanderthals and modern humans resulting in the displacement and extinction of Neanderthals. When compared to Kevin's kind, we are the Neanderthals. As simple as that".
(To Be Continued Tomorrow...)
[The complete Book ‘MAN FROM TOMORROW’ can be downloaded at]
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