Wednesday, December 25, 2019


"I have been thinking, Anita, about all that Professor Antonio said. And I have also been reading all this Literature in Antonio's vast library.I must say, I am deeply concerned about what will happen to us."

"Us? You mean we are doomed? I thought you had a plan..." said Anita with fear evident in her voice and her eyes all watering up. She appeared as a damsel waiting to burst into tears.

Martin rushed to explain. "No Anita, no! I am not talking about us, like you and me. And Yes, I have a plan to keep us safe and sound. The one that I told you in the car, on the way here". Anita gave a sigh that appeared halfway between sadness and relief.

Martin continued-" when I said Us, I meant mankind as a whole." 
"How do you mean?"
"See, it is like this. There is this concept of evolution."
"Ya Ya.. I know about it. Wait... I will tell you, ummm, Evolution is change in genetic qualities of organisms over succeeding generations.Right?" Anita was livening up.

"Yeah right." Martin smiled. Then he went on- "successive generation of the organism's population are replaced by offspring of those parents who are better adapted to stay alive and reproduce in this world.

These adaptations improve fitness by assisting activities like finding nutrition, finding mates orevading predators. This quality creates and preserves traits in the organism's successivegenerations that keeps them alive and kicking".Anita was listening intently to Martin.

"Now it means that those organisms or species that are poorly adapted to their environment die out or are unable to reproduce and thus leave no offsprings that can propagate their genes. Ok?" 
Anita nodded in agreement.

The food arrived, and Anita eyed it with a voracious look.
"It also means that the genes or traits that were responsible for their weakness are weeded out, as they are not propagated. Thus the offsprings that are alive are the ones who have best adapted to their environment and thus reproduce and propagate their genes to the subsequent generations and so on. In short- 'survival of the fittest'."
Anita nodded as she hogged on the food.

"Now, think about the species which died out. When a species dies out, it disappears from the biological scene in this world. This occurrence is known as extinction." 

Anita bobbed in agreement-"Right, they keep showing on TV how man is causing all the animals and plants to go extinct".

(To Be Continued Tomorrow...)

[The complete Book ‘MAN FROM TOMORROW’ can be downloaded at]

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